
Supplied for your review is the Budget history for the Town of Nunda for the last three years and what has been prepared for next year’s budget.

2025 – Adopted Budget Book
2024 – Adopted Budget Book
2023 – Adopted Budget Book
2022 – Adopted Budget Book
2021 – Adopted Budget Book

To better understand the Budget Labels within the Budget History document such as “REQUESTED”, “TENTATIVE”, “PRELIMINARY” and “ADOPTED”, we’ve tried to best explain our budget process.

As required by New York State Town Law, the budget process requires actions to be taken within specific time parameters that all take place at Regular or Special Town Board meetings.

The Town budget is done annually and follows these budgeting procedures:

  1. The first steps in the creation of the Town Budget begins in September.
  2. Department Heads (Highway Superintendent, Police Chief, Town Clerk, Building Inspector, Judge) submit estimate of revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year to the Town Supervisor by September 20th.
  3. The Supervisor uses these submitted estimates to create the Tentative Budget.
  4. The Tentative Budget it brought before the Town Board for review by the October Board Meeting (regular or special), during such review they can modify and revise the appropriations given to each fund line.
  5. Town Board Accepts the Tentative Budget as the Preliminary Budget
  6. A Public Hearing is scheduled to pass the Preliminary Budget as the Adopted Budget. (Advertised in the Evening Tribune and posted at the Nunda Post Office & Nunda Government Center.)
  7. A copy of the Preliminary Budget can be requested and made available at the office of the Town Clerk for inspection by any interested persons.
  8. The Preliminary Budget is presented at a Town Board Public Hearing that shall be held on or before the Thursday following the November general election.
  9. Public Participation. Members of the public are welcome to attend the public hearing and take privilege of the floor during the meeting to comment their opinion of the preliminary budget and if they are in favor or against any item within it.
  10. Final Budget Revision. The Town Board may alter and revise the preliminary budget.
  11. Adoption of Budget. Must be adopted by November 20th at a Town Board Meeting (regular or special).
  12. Once adopted, it will constitute as the budget for the ensuing fiscal year.

You may also review the Town Board minutes where the board evaluate budgeting decisions.

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