Dalton Street Lights

For your convenience, we have created a reporting system for when a street light goes out within the Hamlet of Dalton.

Currently, there are thirty-nine (39) total RG&E poles containing street lights.

We’ve created a map pin pointing where these poles are located along with their assigned numbers. You can see these pole numbers physically marked on each RG&E Light pole, usually on a small metal strip in black numbers with a yellow background.

We are asking you to help us make sure your Hamlet’s Street Lights are always lit by reporting any streetlight outage to your Town Clerk.

Please report to the Nunda Town Clerk via phone or e-mail:


Please include the following information in your report:

What is the Street name where the pole is located?
What is the pole number? (Refer to map below)

The purpose of this method is that when both resident and Town Clerk refer to the same map of information, a fix-it request to RG&E can be done quickly and accurately.

Dalton Street Light Map